source: Media Indonesia
We have to admit the development of sport organizations in the country is becoming so complicated. It is not clear anymore, who does what. Tends to be a check-swimmer. Similarly in the world of football. What happens is chaos. As if there was no sense of sportsmanship in the sport there.
With apologizes to friends in PSSI (Indonesian Super League as well) I see the presence of the Premier League Indonesia (LPI) was initiated by several other friends deserve to be greeted with joy. As long as growth is also located on the actual track or rail, to develop a professional sport in Indonesia.
I want to emphasize sports for the sport in Indonesia tend to no longer give meaning to sport itself, the origin of said sport, build honesty, sportsmanship, fair play, and glorifies the achievements. So professional terms, ie, type of sport that occupied based on competition for achievement, and achievement is given a value which is also measured. Measured value alias that price applies transparent, the apparent. Athletes who pursue sports as a profession that would make the alias field of life. From there he lived.
Why do I support? Although now grown to be more complicated, I still remember when he first worked in the Office Menpora that flow is directed to build a sports development sport amateur and professional sports (which was later formulated in the legislation). The development of professional sports as that developed in various countries could not be dammed. However, professional sports should be governed, constructed, and developed. Container to build professional sports is formed, in the form Bapopi, Professional Sports Trustees Board of Indonesia. Those who choose the path of our professionals remove it from the amateur sport (not amateur). That is, do not be confused as it is today. Professional sports are built for growing independent or autonomous, not mixed with government. Let him manage himself, as football clubs (and other professional sports). They seek their own money (which is justified by legislation), organize themselves, train themselves, and competing shows achievement. The higher the achievement, they are increasingly able to collect a lot of money. So they trusted the public, the funds own audited and accounted himself to club owners and the public. Because of that, the funds may not use the funds income and expenditure budget (APBN) and regional budget revenues and expenditures (budget).
Let the public funds from the state budget / budget used to fund amateur sports (who are not amateurs earlier). The funds were used for community sports facilities, sports coaching in schools, in villages, and various other amateur sporting events. Do not like all this time, the budget included the cost of coaching sports, but in reality only be used to fund football, including hire foreign players. Though the number of sports coaching in the local budget funds that can reach tens of billions of dollars. If the whole Indonesia is collected, certainly the numbers become large. After all, is not fair because other sports dianaktirikan.
Liga Super Indonesia (LSI), which had already initiated PSSI someday be united with the LPI. Or we let them both compete fairly. What is clear, it should be removed from PSSI. Let PSSI foster amateur sports, which is hosted on an KONI (for all branches of amateur sport.) When friends in PSSI now more interested in taking care of professional sports, may just get in there. But, PSSI must return our focus to foster amateur sports. His name just a amateur. Its activity was still occupied. Association football organization in each region should be returned to the PSSI. Who want to become a professional soccer club should form their own. Fuss union there is now a part of LSI (eg Liverpool) and some are part of LPI (among Persema). What is clear, PSSI is also a form of age group soccer players. If you have entered the club, aka professional football, no matter the age (although it could be arranged, for example 18 years and over).
If PSSI care of amateurs, can be supported APBN / APBD. Just remember, the state budget funds / budget for the branch was not only football, but also for all sports. All funds used will be audited Audit Agency (BPK), as is often questionable to me.
As the parent organization of sports (amateur) Other, PSSI inevitably must cooperate with the central government and local governments to promote and foster the sport. With the Ministry of National Education to build soccer sport in schools (from elementary, junior high, high school and college). With the Ministry of Religious Affairs at the religious schools, including boarding. The same way applies to other sports parent. Which organize everything would Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Of course, the competition should be done gradually. If in the form multiajang, may be we should revive the Week Sports Week Student and Student Sports are used routinely performed. Similarly, the National Sports Week (PON) that the regions in Indonesia. Which is also an amateur who took part to the SEA Games, Asian Games and Olympics. Unless the rules to allow professional athletes to take part. Clearly, the results of coaching and competition that can be upgraded to professional athletes, including football sports.
That is, we must return again to the mechanism we have ever developed first and consistently applied. It also supported all elements of society, sports organizations, and government. Of course, the move is the government itself
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