Irfan Bachdim re-form the trending topic on Twitter after yesterday irfan be trending topic after the game looks beautiful in AFF Cup 2010 will match but this time not because good football game, but Irfan bachdim became the talk of twitter for outstanding photos jeniffer kiss irfan bachdim and Jasmin kurniawan which is a girlfriend of irfan
Dutch player of Indonesian descent who was born on August 11, 1988 this has now become a new idol among teenagers, especially teenage girls in Indonesia because of the ability to play ball and a handsome face. Due to the circulation of photographs kiss irfan bachdim and jeniffer Jasmin kurninawan Irfan confessed the number of fans disappointed to see it. "This is very annoyed to see it" wrote a Twitter user named Winda Gusti Ayu.
"Info that sad,"writes another Twitter account owner, Fitria_Nadleen. Naturally, the article, Irfan now being digila-gilai and most fans could be disappointed after knowing Irfan establish love with Jennifer, a German lingerie model
Here is a photo kissing Irfan bachdim and Jennifer Jasmin kurniawan the boyfriend who mebuat irfan so many fans are disappointed because his idol already have a boyfriend and now there is even a photo intimate with jeniffer irfan
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